Safety. Support. Allyship. – A Home for Baltimore Safe Haven
Baltimore Safe Haven was founded in 2018 with a vision to be a community resource to Baltimore City’s TLGBQ people. Five years later, that vision continues to expand, and Episcopal Housing Corporation (EHC) is partnering with this one-of-a-kind agency to make their dreams realities.
With the project in its infancy, EHC is providing guidance in concept and site identification so Baltimore Safe Haven can provide comprehensive services so TLGBQ people, from youth to the elderly, can thrive. Already the organization runs an emergency youth shelter, distributes food, and operates a mobile outreach program. In addition, it is the only TLGBQ-focused organization in Maryland offering housing services to its clients.
Long-time renters, Baltimore Safe Haven desires to own its own property to create a “village” to house its offices and drop-in center, provide a variety of housing options, and offer space to other, compatible non-profits. This vision is large in scope, but even greater in impact, as it will be the only area agency to offer such life-changing services to the TLBGQ community.